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Hey all,


First, I'd like to say congratulations on the new release! With that said, I need to report a bug with the tray icon... each time the application interface is opened from the desktop icon, MBAM creates a new icon in the system tray; as of right now I have four MBAM icons in my tray. Windows 7 Professional, x86. Will test on Windows 8.1 Pro Update 1, x86 later today.


Edit: It appears that MBAM actually opens another process and instance of mbam.exe each time the desktop icon is clicked, not just a tray icon.



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  • Staff

Assuming you're using WebRoot as well, can you tell us what other software / AV / AM / AR / AE type software you are running?

In addition to John's question (Thank you!) could you also list what version of Webroot you are using?  Name and Software Version would be much appreciated.

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