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I am running Windows XP Pro, SP 3.0, 32 bit on a desktop. I have free Mbam...After experiencing a rootkit problem 18 months ago, I want to know if the Rootkit will help keep my computer safe from similar problems. But I cannot get it to run, as it won't accept me as 'owner' only wants me to be administrator, which I was advised not to be as it can cause problems, (can't remember why now)...

Any tips on this, please?

I was running Avira, but had to remove it as I couldn't get it to do manual scans, ie when I want to do them, not when Avira wanted to do them, as it slowed my computer down coinsiderably usually at a very busy time. I want to run these things (updates & scans) at my convenience not theirs. Plus I found Avira to be really complicated, not easy to use, like Mbam. The only redeeming feature for me was that I could run an anti rootkit scan manually....

Thanks in advance

Sylvia :(

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Hello and :welcome:

MBAR does need to be run from an administrator account, not from a limited account. This is so that if it does detect something it can remove it without any issues.

If you are having problems installing programs, it could be due to trying to do it from a limited account. Try installing them with an administrator account and see if that helps.

If you are still having issues, it may be best to have someone assist you with scanning your computer to make sure the any rootkit infection you had is completely gone. To do this follow the instructions below for a one on one expert advice all done for free...

If you want to make sure your not infected, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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I was running Avira, but had to remove it as I couldn't get it to do manual scans, ie when I want to do them, not when Avira wanted to do them, as it slowed my computer down coinsiderably usually at a very busy time. I want to run these things (updates & scans) at my convenience not theirs. Plus I found Avira to be really complicated, not easy to use, like Mbam.


Please absolutely do follow Firefox's expert advice. :)


In addition, it seems from what you wrote that you may not be running any anti-virus protection on your computer?

If so, please be aware that MBAM is not an anti-virus and is not a substitute for one: Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?


After you get cleaned up with the malware experts, you'll want to install a robust anti-virus to run alongside MBAM.

There are many good choices and your malware helper can assist you with selecting a product that is suitable for your needs.


OTOH, If I misunderstood your post and you DO have an anti-virus, then by all means feel free to disregard this recommendation. ;)





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