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not able to install even malwarebytes software

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   Hi Experts,


      I guess my system is infected with malware. I am not able to run any video in youtube or any of the other sites in any of the browsers (tried on Chrome,Firefox and IE) even after the complete buffering of the video is done. The video stops/stuck/crash after a few seconds from its start.I tried to disable the chorme extensions. It didnt help. I followed the instructions to download the malwarebytes software from the website but even I am not able to install the software. When trying to install i am getting the error "The setup files are corrupt. Please get a new copy" as shown in the attached screenshot.I tried to download and run the "Download DDS from here: dds.scr or here: dds.com and save it to your desktop"  from the link -https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=9573. But this file also is not getting run. Ca anyone please help me out to resolve the issue?




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Hello sreedeep007:welcome:

Since you believe your system is infected, please read and follow the instructions in https://forums.malwa...9573#entry46166 to the best of your ability and then use your second thread exclusively and we'll ask the moderators close this thread.


Thank you kindly.  :)


(Stolen shamelessly from 1PW)

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Hi, sreedeep007:


Until John L. Galt returns...


If the malware has so crippled the system that you can't even download or run the preliminary DDS tool, then please just go ahead and start a new post in the malware removal section >>HERE<< anyway, explaining the situation.

The malware helpers there will have some other tools and workarounds to use to assist you.






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