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MBAM Consumer Subscription License Question


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I am a reseller of MBAM. I received your reminder that 24 March, 2014 will be the end of the lifetime subscription offering.


My question is this: When V2.0 comes out and new licenses become subscription-based, when will the license "begin to expire?" I usually buy licenses in bulk, 10 at a time, if they begin to expire as soon as I purchase them, then someone may be buying a 9 month long subscription, if I've held the license for 3 months, for example.


AVG allows the purchase of "sales numbers," which are like licenses but don't begin their life until converted to licenses.


Randy C


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Hi RandyC,

We are following a similar model to AVG. When you sell a Subscription License to a user, the 1-year subscription term does not start until the user enters the Subscription License into MBAM 2.0 to activate Premium features. The user has a right to enter the Subscription License on THREE (3) PCs.  But, the 1-year subscription term begins when the user enters the Subscription License on the FIRST PC.


Please let me know if you have any additional questions.



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