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IP-Block Message started today?

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Starting today I get a couple if IP-Block messages every time I start EMDB.exe.  Nothing changed in the EMDB program so... it would appear that something changed in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.  The messages that are being posted to the Protection-Log are in the attachment.  Is there anyway to turn this off or is this some kind of Anti-Malware error that will be fixed soon?




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  • Root Admin

What is EMDB ?


All of these blocks appear to be related to this site:  to.report.a.problem.contact.abuse.at.freenom.com


Not sure what software you're running that is connecting to that site but my guess is that the site was probably recently added to our list of IPs to block.


If you feel this IP block is in error then please see the following post and post your log again in that forum.




Thank you.

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Eric's Movie Database - A personal movie database program that goes online to get additional information about movies that you add to the catalog.


I'd link to the site, but MBAM 2.0 is blocking their website (well, IP).


basically same issue as I am having with Earth Alerts software  - shared hosting causing issues.

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