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The #SSBL t-shirt giveaway!

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What's Stronger, Smarter and even Better Looking? YOU in this limited edition #SSBL Malwarebytes Anti-Malware t-shirts!

Enter for a chance to win one of the 50 limited edition #SSBL giveaway t-shirts on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Malwarebytes/app_228910107186452
You can enter multiple times via Twitter by tweeting each day until the end of the contest on Monday, March 24 at 9 p.m. PST.


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  • 2 weeks later...

'better' looking is pretty subjective. It looks pretty organized but the abundance of gradients, large red areas with screaming warnings and red crosses whenever one little thing is a bit off are making it look like a 'speed up your pc now! 300 problems found!' fluffware app. 
It can be argued that the 2.00 version is easier to use for non tech savy users, the exaggerated warnings make it look suspicious to the more IT handy people out there though.


Also: I won't be doing any free advertising for a 2$ t-shirt.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I'm late to the party. It really, really twists my britches to have to enter a contest by "liking" on FB or using a twerpy tweet to some tweeples. What happened to "Enter your email and we'll let you know if you won"?

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Hi Winterland,


Thanks for reaching out.


Unfortunately, we will not be selling these #SSBL t-shirts. They were a limited run t-shirt and made specifically for this giveaway.




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The MBAM swag store was before my time, but I was told that to keep the store up and running on that website there was a threshold of how many t-shirts had to be sold per month and that number wasn't reached :(


We can try a different, more forgiving website perhaps, but an MBAM Swag store still up in the air at this time.



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Yes please look into an alternative, as having fan gear is a good idea. Heck, if you guys have a web developer, which I am sure you do, there is a possibility that you can add a store to your site. Then ship the gear from your locations....

Just a thought...

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Could shirts be sold alongside the license offerings for Malwarebytes?


Also I too think there should be an alternate way to enter the contest if possible... :)

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You could upload some logos and create some items and set your profit margin if you want.

For the US:  IT's cafepress.com


Still can't paste on this silly forum. :angry2:


For the UK and parts of Europe it's zazzle.co.uk


Or anyone can upload their own logos/artwork for all sorts of items.

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I wear my ball cap with the Malwarebytes Logs on it (that I got a long time ago) and I always get the same lines...

Where did you get it, where can I buy one... its a really good advertising gimmick that you guys at MBAM are missing out on.... Its sad when I tell these folks SORRY you can't buy one....

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You could upload some logos and create some items and set your profit margin if you want.

For the US:  IT's cafepress.com


Still can't paste on this silly forum. :angry2:


For the UK and parts of Europe it's zazzle.co.uk


Or anyone can upload their own logos/artwork for all sorts of items.

 We were just looking at this over on sevenforums and here is an example of what they have at Cafepress.





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