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My full system scans are taking 15 hours +

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Hello, Im currently trying to run a full system scan and its taking a very long time (its currently scanned 800,000 files in 15 hours and still going) I know I just need to be patient and it will eventually finish but I cant help that there is something wrong about this and that there may be something with my laptop that I can fix, I literally I have no idea what this could be bt I have my harddrive partitioned so that I have 2 operating systems on my laptop.


Hope you can help!

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Hello and :welcome:

Scan times vary from computer to computer depending on number of files, speed, archives etc. With the latest version of Malwarebytes, archive (zip, rar, 7zip etc) files also get scanned so a full scan will take quite a long time. That being said, it is not really necessary or recommend to run full scans all the time. A quick scan is all that should be needed.

If you have 2 partitions with 2 operating systems, then I suggest you perform a Quick scan on the first OS (1st partition) then boot to the second partition and perform a quick scan there as well. You will get better results.

Also if you have an OS on the second partition and perform a scan using the 1st partition you run the risk of making the second partition unbootable if you were to remove something found. Malwarebytes is designed to run on a live PC and will do a much better job of finding all infections both in folders and the registry of the loaded partition.

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It could take that long on slower computers and with a computer with a large amount of files.

Lets say for example that you have a zip file that contains 1000 files in it. When the full scan reaches that file, it will scan the file and the 1000 files inside it. So the more files on your computer the longer the scan.

What are your computer specs?




Hard drive size and free space (of the drive your scanning)

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