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I would like to see information on the protection and risks of continuing to use Windows XP and XP Pro after Microsoft stops supporting it.  I read recently that about 30% of Windows operated computers are still running XP, so I hope this is a topic of interest here.  I am hoping the Malware Bytes Pro with an AV program will provide the needed protection.  Any ideas?

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I plan to continue using XP Pro for as long as possible and am also interested in this topic.  While I do have later OS (Vista) on laptop, my desktop contains 10 years of documents and paid-for programs and many will not run under xp-compat mode (or normal) on Vista.   I have had this machine for a LONG time and upgraded hardware, etc through the years so it is fairly current but I continue to love this OS and plan on being one of the last holdouts......

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Win 7 is a great OS. I am running Win 8 right now and compatiblity mode is not any better. However, compatibility mode is a trap. I have quite a few programs for XP that got screwed up using it and they work just fine not even trying that mode. I haven't looked at it in a long time, but I think it has mainly to do with video stuff. The only, real way,  to find out i, is to install them.

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I likewise have a couple of computers running Windows 7, another desktop and a netbook;  they have been fine.  It is just that I like the custom built desktop with XP Pro and I use by far the most.  I would like to protect it and keep using it as long as possible.  I have not heard anything good about Windows 8 or 8.1.  The only touch screen we have is a new Apple IPAD.

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Understood. My two desktops are about six months old and top of line. I had them built after building my own for 20 years. I upgraded them to Win 8 and with certain programs, they are almost Win 7. What most people have read about is the stupid metro interface, but there are improvements over Win 7 under the hood which I can see. Like most of us diehard computer users, I don't want a machine that looks/acts like a cell phone. lol

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