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Computer has virus/hacker that is taking bandwidth

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There is something on my computer that is eating up my bandwidth at a extremely fast pace. I have gone through a shocking 80 GB on my computer alone this month which is very very unusual for a casual surfer. I tried asking for help on a forum called bleeping computer you can see the thread here -------> http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/526851/virus-or-malware-using-tons-of-bandwidth/ Where I have asked for help and if you go through the thread you will see all of my logs, they could not help me there so I am asking on here. None of my programs Kaspersky full Internet Security and Malware Bytes Full Pro have been able to pick it up and remove it. After doing some research I now think that my computer has been hacked and is being used as a zombie to steal data from. I have 2 bandwidth meters on my computer so I can see when and how much is be taken. I have NO wireless so no one has hacked into that. It is clearly my computer that is taking the bandwidth no other computers I only have 1 computer in my entire household and that is mine. If someone could please help me, thanks.

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Sorry for the double post here but I can't seem to find a edit button. The admins/mods are welcome to delete this topic I am very sorry for cross posting and breaking the rules but I have tried everything to get rid of this virus/malware that is taking my bandwidth. I have a few more things I will try that may fix it if they don't work my only option is to reformat my harddrive and do a fresh install of windows. This is one stubborn malware/virus I know a lot about computers and have removed a lot of viruses and have never seen something this stubborn. Thanks for your help and trying to help, once my computer is fixed I will be very careful on what sites I visit and what I download so I don't a virus like this again. 

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