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If you can shed light on any part(s) or all, thank you in advance!



(A) Clean network Drives?


(B) Why so slow compared to Internal PC Drives = hrs.(& hrs. & hrs.) vs. minutes?


© Why only recognizes only one of the Network "Drives", and on only one unit?

[ funny, how it recognizes one of many of my Synology® "Drives", but none of my Thecus® "Drives". – just one more thing I don’t like about the Thecus unit…unsupported in every way. (~;   ].





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Hello and :welcome: , iRoncan:
I'm sure our forum Admin, AdvancedSetup, and the expert forum members will be able to answer your question in detail.
Until they arrive, AFAIK the short answer is: yes, it will scan them.
However, you might want to take a look at these forum posts to qualify that statement a bit - it is not recommended and not geared towards that, and yes, it will be slower:
Scanning NAS/network drives is a task better suited to your antivirus.
Hope that helps for starters....

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