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The guitar sound produced by this "robot" is pretty unidimensional. The "0" or "1" picking is cold. No bending, no palm work, no working across the pickups, etc... 2 minutes of this and my ears want a break.

The drummer robot, on the other hand, sounds a bit better equipped for the job. And he looks sooo cool...

Visually speaking : WoW !

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Last I checked, by the very definition of a robot, they don't actually make anything, per se, as in create.  They merely assemble (or disassemble).

Ah yes, but with the potential for some level of AI (or at least some complex pseudo-creative programming for them with certain parameters to make sure what they play isn't off key etc.), who knows what the future might hold?
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Yes, that's true but the programmer can be the Artist who makes the Robot play.  However, this may be played technically correct but would be devoid of "soul".

Oh I agree. My angle was more on the playing side. "0" or "1" picking is what that particular robot is doing, meaning one single picking action possible : pick or don't pick. This done via a (guessing) pneumatic actuator, which operates from "0" or "1" signals only. This yields a very "dry" (or cold), monotonous sound. No nuances possible.

The drummer robot seems to have better equipment, with more range of motion and variable striking force.


Guitar playing is all about finger/hand agility and robots aren't there yet.

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