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Since running MWBT, I have an error when I open Excel Spreadsheets.  This is message I'm getting.

Please hepl !  Thanks, Sophie

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<summary>Des erreurs ont été détectées dans le fichier « C:\Users\Sophie\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\F0G1RPOZ\Liste de cadeau (2).xlsx »</summary>
-<repairedParts summary="Liste des réparations :">
<repairedPart>Partie réparée: partie /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml avec erreur XML. Erreur de chargement. Ligne 2, colonne 3673.</repairedPart>
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  • Root Admin

That appears to be a regular Microsoft Excel issue. It appears to be from the automatically saved crash file. If it too is not valid then probably best to go back to a previous version of the file.

Here are a couple of links in general but you may need to post a question on one of the Microsoft support sites to try and find a fix.

You can uninstall our program but I'm pretty sure that will not fix the issue as it's not really related to our program.




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