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This has happened a couple of times in the last few days.

I'm not even using the computer, but my browser is open.

Usually to my email, but also to boston.com


I get a popup message saying

Successfully blocked access to potentially malicious site


It appears that IP belongs to Amazon. Do you think it's a tracker or something??


Thanks !

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More specifically, it belongs to S3 servers from Amazon:




The problem here is that according to https://www.robtex.com/advisory/ip/72/21/215/133/?deep=1#information there are numerous domains that point to that one IP - and one of those domains might actually be malicious.


Do you have any software running in the background that might be making use of an Amazon S3 server, for whatever reason?

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Thanks for your reply.


I'm not running any unusual software ...  and I don't know what an S3 server is.


I just looked in taskmanager processes and I don't see anything unusual.


I've gotten that pop-up 3 times in the last 2 days - I'll keep an eye on it.


Any other ideas would be welcome.

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