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Sorry am on a very old laptop and the keyboard is iffy!



Hi, the malware has diabled my mouse and cut my internet conection. Managed to upload and run Malwarebytes via CD but now can't select items to remove without the use of my mouse. Please help! Thanks

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Hello and :welcome: , Pam66:


Alas, we can't work on malware-related issues in this particular sub-section of the forum.


I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
>>>If you are unable to follow some of the steps in the above pinned topic because the malware has crippled the machine, just go ahead and start a new post in the malware removal section anyway, explaining the situation.

A malware analyst will assist you with getting cleaned up and with repairing the damage.



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Hi Daledoc1,




thanks for your reply but really my question refers to how to operate Malwarebytes without a mouse, just off the keyboard so I though this was the right section? I don't have a mouse so can't check the boxes on the Malwarebytes program. This is the right section for that isn't it? Threre must be a way to check those boxes without a mouse. I know about using the spacebar but I need to get into the window first.



Thanks very much




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We'll need to wait for staff, but I'm not aware of any way to run MBAM without a mouse.


Additionally, if you installed MBAM from a CD then (at the very least) the malware database (and possibly the program version itself) will be outdated and need updating. If you don't have a working mouse, I don't think that's possible.

Moreover, since you say that the problem started with a malware infection disabling the mouse, repair of that damage so that you can run MBAM and any other programs will require the help of specially trained experts with their tools - it will likely require more work in addition to running MBAM to restore your mouse and any other damaged services.

That sort of work is not permitted in this particular area of the forum.

Rather, it is performed in a dedicated area of the forum >>HERE<<.

The help is free.

You just need to start a new post over there and one of the experts will assist you as soon as possible. :)


Hope this helps,



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As I mentioned, we'll need to wait for staff, but I'm not personally aware of such a workaround.


And again, cleanup and repair of a system damaged to that extent by malware may well require additional tools and special help.

That work is done >>HERE<<.  It will only cost you a bit of your time.

This pinned topic explains more: The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware


It's certainly up to you, but that would be the recommended way to proceed. :)





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Hi, again: :)


I noticed that you have bumped your post in the malware removal section?


Please try to be patient.

The forum is quite busy.

Only the expert groups are permitted to assist there.

Many of them are volunteers.

Someone will help you as soon as possible.

Bumping your post may only lead to delay:



Also, please do not 'bump' or add a reply to your topic once it is started. Topics which appear to have replies are considered to have an helper assisting them and may be overlooked, resulting in a longer waiting period for help.  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=9573#entry46166


Thanks very much for your patience and understanding,



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I am sorry Daledoc1 but there is loads to read and  I would have no idea where to start. From my old laptop (it's the PC I am trying to fix so am online with an old laptop) my post seemed to be grayed out and I wasn't sure it was even posted properly esp. as so many are online and no one had said anything. I am as you know totally new to this forum and would normally take my PC to a shop but I just can't afford to do that ATM.  Really sorry for breaking the rules. I will not bump again.

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That's OK. :)

There is no need to apologize.

Having a busted/infected computer can be stressful.

And the forum can be a bit overwhelming.


It can sometimes take 24-48 hours before an authorized helper picks up one's post in the malware section.

(Other, similar forums warn of up to a 5-day wait!).


So, although it is hard, please try to sit tight for now.

If no helper has replied by 48 hours after starting the post in the malware section, send a PM to gringo_pr or AdvancedSetup, and he will look into it.






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