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I have had MBAM on my desktop computer for over 4 years now and it has been fantastic.


I am going to buy a laptop soon and I want it on that as well.


I can download it again but how do I register it without having to pay for it again ?


Do I have to pay for it twice to have it on 2 seperate computers ?


Thanks for any help.

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Hi, dostoy:


Just to elaborate a wee bit to what David said, in light of the impending release of MBAM 2.0...


Your existing, lifetime, consumer license for 1.xx will be migrated to a lifetime, consumer license for 2.00.

But it will remain, as he pointed out, a 1-computer-per-license situation.


NEW consumer licenses for version 2.00 will operate on a renewable, subscription licensing model.

Each subscription will cover 3 computers, but it will need to be renewed.


SO: If you want another lifetime license for your second computer, it would be advisable to act now, while such licenses are still available. ;)


Hope this helps,



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I have a 3 licence version of Malwarebytes as we have 3 computers. One of the computers is being made redundant in favour of a new one which we await delivery of. Is it just a case of uninstalling MB from the old computer and putting it onto the new one with the existing licencing code?


The new computer arrives on Saturday!


thank you

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Hi, bluegiraffe:




Was your MBAM PRO license purchased very recently and where was it purchased?

The reason I ask is because standard consumer, lifetime licenses for version 1.75 MBAM PRO were/are issued only as 1-computer-per-license.

Those licenses will be migrated to analogous, lifetime, 1-computer licenses when version 2.00 is released soon.

New 2.00 licenses sold after the official release WILL cover 3 computers, but will be based on annual, renewable subscriptions.

However, there have been some "transitional" 3-computer licenses sold during this interim period.

I just want to be sure you have a legitimate product and license.


Having said that, YES, licenses for MBAM PRO 1.xx (and for the upcoming MBAM Premium 2.00) can be transferred from one computer to another. :)

The instructions for doing so with the current 1.75 public release are here: How do I transfer a licensed Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO to my new computer?

(If you are already running version 2.0 RC1, please let us know, as the procedure for removing MBAM 2.0 RC1 from the "old" computer is a bit different at this time.)

NOTE: The license cannot be transferred to a different person or user. Doing so would be a violation of the EULA.





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Hi Daledoc1


Thank you for your reply and the link.


I purchased Malwarebytes Pro on 2nd July 2013 from what I thought was the online store but looking at the paperwork it also refers to Cleverbridge Advance e-commerce in Cologne. I have looked properly now at the paperwork (sorry should have done so in the first place!) and I have actually bought 3 single licences in the same transaction, one for each computer. They are all valid until 2nd July this year. From your reply, does this mean I will not need to renew in July and the licences I now have will continue beyond the one year anniversary?

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Thanks for the extra information. :)

That makes more sense.

The seller (cleverbridge) sounds legit.

However, I am not certain that time-limited, subscription consumer licenses were already being sold back in July 2013??

IOW, I think that a consumer license for MBAM PRO 1.xx sold back then would have been/would be a LIFETIME license?

In the case of valid, consumer, lifetime licenses, no renewal will ever be needed.


Unless AdvancedSetup or another staffer has more information to explain this because I am missing some crucial info, the best bet might be to contact the consumer help desk directly.

It would be helpful to include as much information as possible about the purchase in your inquiry.

They can be reached by submitting the web form >>HERE<<.

They will assist with sorting any possible licensing problems.


Having said all that, yes, you ought to be able to transfer one of the licenses from an "old" computer to a "new" one using the process outlined in the link in my earlier reply. :)

The important point is to avoid using the same 1-computer license ID/key on more than 1 computer at a time -- doing so will lead to blacklisting of the license.

EDIT for clarity: And for the new, 3-computer, consumer subscription licenses, the same caveat applies - do not activate it on more computers than the license allows.





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  • Root Admin

You can contact Consumer Support and they can verify for you but basically without some special deal it would have cost you $20.95 each if you bought 3 licenses and yes they all currently still come with a Lifetime license.  We are switching to a subscription model in the near future.







So if you paid $62.85 plus or minus any tax then yes you have 3 Lifetime licenses of the product.

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Hi AdvancedSetup, the amount you quote for the 3 licences sounds about right. I'm in the UK. It's good to learn they will be lifetime licences. I'm just awaiting delivery of the new computer and then hopefully I can see about transferring from the old to the new.

Daledoc1 I have book marked the link on how to do it. The old computer will be made redundant for the time being but I may consider putting the free version of MB onto it whilst I decide what to do.

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Daledoc1 I have book marked the link on how to do it.


The instructions are all in that link. :)

If you run into any problems, just post back and let us know.

It's really quite simple -- you'll just run the mbam-clean removal utility on the old computer & reboot it to uninstall the program and remove the license info.

Then, you'll just install MBAM on the new rig and use the license ID/key to activate the PRO features.


And, yes, then you can reinstall MBAM Free on the old rig, if you want.



I have questions about what to do about the old computer and how to clear it off to maybe sell it etc... but probably not for this thread.


Yep, it would be best to start a new post about that subject over in the PC Help area >>HERE<<. :)





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