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Hey Guys!


I just recently purchased the pro edition. It was a great bargain, and Im always paranoid about whats running on my system, especially coming from a mac.


Just a little background im on a surface pro 2 and battery life/performance issues are always a struggle as I balance having to use certain programs for school with wanting a good battery life each cycle. Seeing as I just installed malwarebytes pro and added a scan task and flash task daily, what do you think the load will be on my computer? Are there system elements now running in the background and what effect do they have on my system load as well?


Thanks everyone for your help!

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the load and effects thereof depend on the particulars of the machine and what it running in the background to start with (the background total load) .

so , the answer to your question is , yes , there is other stuff running that impacts the battery life/power requirements .


"especially coming from a mac" .

did you know that there is "stuff" written for/that will run on a mac that effectively turns the machine into a "typhoid mary" ?


ps ... welcome to the world of knowing what is going on "under the hood" .

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Thanks for your reply. I have another question that's kind of a follow up but not completly. What are the real benefits of being a pro user? I recently ordered the pro version, like i said earlier, but I dont use the protection modual since in my mind it will add another process running which may slow down my computer / take away battery life. I have kaspersky installed as well, but I know malwarebytes supplements it (maybe you guys can offer more information on this as well please?) and I want my computer to be protected. I keep wondering therefore what benefits I know have as part of the community and using the program.


Alot of my friends who use it tell me to just use the free version but I see that the pro version has a flash scan and schedualed tasks which is nice. Maybe others will read the replys too and it will help others to decide on the pro version too.


Thanks for your help

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The protection module allows for the scheduling of automatic updates, automatic scanning and enabled an additional module termed "Malicious Website blocking", blocking researched threats on the Internet in real time.


It really depends upon what you already have running, as CWB mentioned, but the way I look at it is that I'd rather disable automatic loading of other applications that I only use once in a while (because I know fully well how to use the start button to load an app) and keep my protection running all the time because my priority is to keep myself safe.

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