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I just did a seven hour reinstall of Windows 8 and installed MS Office 2007 and downloaded Foxit reader - paying attention to not downloading anything I didn't want. Now conduit...com is suddenly my 'home' page! I did a web search and saw some recommendation to uninstall it via Control Panel/Programs. I don't see and reference to it whatsoever. I ran SuperAntiSpyware and it picked up "SearchProtect" right away. I highlighted it and hit the Uninstall selected item button. It then did a two hour scan and didn't even remove it. Or it just shows up again. What going on here? I then ran Malwarebytes , it found 107 incidences of it and removed all of them. However, "conduit" is still my 'home' page in my browser.

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Home pages can be changed in the browser itself, depending upon the browser you are talking about.


As for how Conduit got installed - As soon as I run the FoxIt installer, I get a warning from MBAM Pro about a PUP - OpenCandy - in the installer.


So now you know where it came from.

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  • Root Admin

One has to be very careful now days.  Even Nero CD which used to be an excellent program has fallen to the dark side and now includes OpenCandy in at least their Free and Trial software, but unlike many installers even choosing the "custom or advanced" installation option does not allow you to opt out of OpenCandy.  If you opt out the installer quits so if you proceed then you're installing junk on your computer.  From an official standpoint it's PUP (Possibly Unwanted Program), but from the stand point of most people you talk to that is simply being politically correct and most view all those types of programs as malware, scumware, or trash.  Almost without a doubt if you have that junk on your computer then sooner or later when you least expect it you're going to get a real infection as a fallout from it being on your computer.

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