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No Longer 64bit?


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I just re-read the change log just to be sure. I did see the mentioning of new architecture but nothing about going backwards to 32bit. I first noticed the change while adding programs to Avira's & Mbam's ignore list. My previous version of MBAE was listed as installed to C:/Program Files now it is under C:/Program Files(86x). I run Win8.1. Why the change to 32bit?

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Welcome to the forum v1rux.


Under the new architecture MBAE runs its service and GUI as a 32bit process. But MBAE protection for 64bit processes is still present and it runs as a 64bit process (check mbae64.dll, mbae64.sys and mbae64.exe in your installation directory). An easy way to verify this is to open a 64bit process such as IE64 and use procexp for check for mbae64.dll injected into the process.

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Welcome to the forum v1rux.


Under the new architecture MBAE runs its service and GUI as a 32bit process. But MBAE protection for 64bit processes is still present and it runs as a 64bit process (check mbae64.dll, mbae64.sys and mbae64.exe in your installation directory). An easy way to verify this is to open a 64bit process such as IE64 and use procexp for check for mbae64.dll injected into the process.

Yes they do exist! Thank you for the quick reply. I plan on leaving the duplicate entries in Avira & MBAM just incase one day all the processes return back to the 64bit directory & I forget to check. Keep up the great work, this is good software!

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