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The Add button in the Ignore list tab opens a dialog box where the path to the item (folder or file) that should be ignored cannot be pasted. Since MBAM is designed to work with another AV program, I should be able to copy each path from the exclusion list of my AV program (ESET) and directly paste it into the Ignore list tab instead of having to develop the whole folder tree each time which is rather awkward.


Any chance to have this fixed ? It's just a matter of using the standars Open File dialog instead of using that old thing from the past... :)


Thanks in advance.

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And of course, wildcards should be supported.


I'm new to Malwarebytes and I'm surprised by this out-of-date user interface that looks like the programs I was writing many, many years ago. This software is certainly useful and effective but I'm sure it could get more registered customers with an updated user interface.


Anyway, wildcards support, edit button and path pasting capability should be there as they are in most AV programs.

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Hi, Samoreen:


Thanks very much for your suggestions.


MBAM is currently under major revision.

MBAM 2.00 is currently in BETA.

Some of your suggestions (including an updated GUI) are already included in the new build.

Although a cumulative changelog is not yet available, there is much more information about the new beta version >>HERE<<. :)


Along these same lines, since this thread reports possible product changes/improvements/suggestions (rather than problems/issues per se), the mod team might move it to the 2.00 beta area of the forum >>HERE<<. ;)

If you do post in the 2.00 beta section, I would just be sure to make it clear that you are still running 1.75 and are proposing a suggestion for 2.00, not reporting a problem with 2.00 beta, if you are not testing it.


Thanks again for your interest and suggestions!



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