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Possible to ADD ip to "Website Blocking" feature?

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Possibly I've gone blind or something, but I cannot find any obvious way to add ip addresses to the Anti-Malware "Website Blocking" feature.


Is there a way for the user to add an ip address (or host name) to the "Website Blocking" feature so it will be blocked, or are we stuck with the list supplied by MalwareBytes?




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Hello and :welcome: , geir:


The feature you request is not available in the current version, 1.75.

In order to add a particular IP to the Ignore list, one needs to follow the steps >>HERE<<.

Having that said, unblocking an IP should only be done with caution, as MBAM is blocking an IP for a good reason.


That feature *is* available in the new version, 2.00, which is currently in beta testing.

If you are interested in testing the new 2.00 beta, there is more information >>HERE<<.

If not, then we'll need to wait for the public release of the "gold" version of 2.00 -- there has not yet been an official announcement about the date for that.





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Thank you for your reply! 


Sorry, my question was probably unclear, since your link seem to explain the opposite of what I want.


So, just to be sure; I do not want to "unblock"/allow a blocked ip (i.e.: add an ip to the "ignore list"). I want to do the opposite!


What I am looking for is some way to ADD an ip address (or host name) to the Anti-Malware list-of-ips-to-be-blocked, one that is NOT already present.

Some sort of "ip-addresses-the-user-consider-garbage", so Anti-Malware will block those as well.


Thank you again!
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Sorry about that.

Indeed - I wasn't yet fully caffeinated. :)

(Most of the "Request for Feature" posts we see ask for the ability to UNblock sites/IPs...)


But, yes, AFAIK, I think that feature as you described will be available in 2.00.

The formal changelog is not yet available and I am not yet testing the beta myself.

But I am pretty sure I saw it mentioned in one of the pinned topics about the earlier beta builds.


Staff or one of the other forum members running the current beta will correct me, if I am wrong.






P.S. EDIT: If you have a site/IP you think needs to be added to the blocklist, you can always check it at virustotal.com and then post the analysis, the URL, and the IP in the Research Center.

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