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I think i have a virus on my computer which i got from a usb of a friend. i used it to transfer an mp3 and when i restarted it, only the bios screen came out and then the monitor shut itself off. My laptop is hooked up to it. It runs Windows XP 32-bit. I cannot set the USB as the 1st boot device as the BIOS is too old to support it. When i try last good known configutation or the safe modes, a blue screen occurs, which says


STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}


The Windows Logon Process System Process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000139 (0xc00000000 0xc00000000)

The system has been shut down.


I am quite unsure of what to do. I have tried using Malwarebyte's before and it has indeed saved my bacon from a virus that infected my mom's PC from the SAME USB. i was thinking whether a minimal linux distro running an antivirus app would do the trick or Hiren's Boot CD


I don't know what to do, please advise




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