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Minecraft Offline Application

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Hi there,


I am in a public library with a gaming computer. We have Minecraft on the computer and allow patrons to play, but only in offline mode (no Internet access on the computer). Playing in offline mode requires me to log in to Minecraft while connected to the internet, and then disconnect from the Internet (disable wireless card in the PC). Once I do this, every time Minecraft is launched, the profile name is shown, and the player has the option to click "PLAY OFFLINE", but they also have the option to LOG OUT. If they log out, I have to go through the setup process all over again and this often happens when I am not here, so the game becomes unavailable until I return. I need a way to launch Minecraft offline automatically, without the launcher showing up, as if it's automatically logging in to offline mode.


I found a potential solution on the Minecraft Forum, but I am wary of it. The member of the forum who posted this solution, a Java (?) application, seems to be brand new to the forum and has only posted about the application.


Here is a link to their profile (but you must have a minecraft forum account to view):


I have screen shots saved in a word document, but cannot upload word documents, it seems.


If you click on topics on the left navigation bar, you will see they have only posted about this application, and all posts mention different versions of the application.


Also, here is the link to download the application (taken from the Minecraft forum post): 



I did download the application and scanned it with Microsoft Forefront Endpoint and found no problems. 

Is there anyone who can test this application to verify it's validity?




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  • Root Admin

Only the person that wrote the program could speak to the true safety of the program. 


A scan by www.virustotal.com finds 0/50 meaning that out of 50 antivirus, antimalware scanners none of them detected it as malicious.




If you do decide to use it then make sure you have a backup of your system and a new System Restore Point just in case.  Also make sure you're not using any old Java.  You should uninstall ALL older versions of Java and only be running the very latest version.

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