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Is this malware or not, I found this on my old laptop, I did a virustotal scan and 19 says yes. It was always harmless when I used it, never caused my computer any problems...


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But this isn't a Crack or Patch, it's a Trainer, I make my own and download ones, and they're never detected, Virustotal says it's bad, but where it says malwarebytes, it doesn't detect it.

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  • Staff

Now you got me confused :) since you are posting in 2 different topics, so I thought it was about the same file...

The fact that you posted this in the False Positives forum implies that we incorrectly detect - but in this case, we don't detect.

This is indeed a trainer and these are basically safe to use. We do however detect a few of these, but that's because it also contained malicious code.

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So, Is this malicious or not?

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Okay, thanks. It's actually always kinda scared me, it speaks to you.

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