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Unable to access the report information

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I just began rolling out MB Enterprise Edition in our organization a day ago. My only issue is that none of the reports are populating. For each report, I only get the message: Unable to access the report information. I've attached screenshots of my Home screen and the Reports screen.



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I have the Management Console installed on a Windows 8 Pro machine, so there is no Enhanced Security for Internet Explorer setting. Enhanced Protection Mode for IE 10 had already been turned off.

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Malwarebytes Enterprise Edition is meant to be installed on a Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 system.  While you can install the console on different machines, the MEE server must be installed on a server.


You will need to set up MEE on a server, as a non server OS is not supported.

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Since it is early in your deployment, I would recommend starting from scratch, if it is not too much trouble.


If you feel you must keep the data you have created, you can use the Data Backup & Restoration tool from the start menu.  However I am not sure what problems may be caused from backing up from a non-server OS.

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Starting from scratch it is...one last question. We have a Server 2008 R2 machine with SQL Server 2012. I know the documentation only lists SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 as supported, but are you aware of any issues installing on 2012?


Thanks for all your help.

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I haven't heard any specific issues with SQL 2012 (or Windows Server 2012 for that matter.)  


The only time SQL 2012 would become an issue is if there was something very specific to it that we couldn't solve, due to it not being supported officially.  But as I mentioned nothing like that has cropped up that I am aware of, so far.

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