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Cannot activated MBAM given (previous) Beta Key.


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Hi, longjohn: :)




The MBAM 2.00 team would prefer that all issues/problems with 2.00 beta be reported in a special section of the forum >>HERE<<.

(The mod team will probably move this post to that section.)


Having said that, it seems that others are also reporting the same issue >>HERE<<.

So you might want to follow that post, as well.


Other than that, we'll need to wait for the staff/devs to reply about the password issue.

EDIT: It appears that .504 may be an RTM/release version that requires use of one's previous, paid MBAM PRO consumer license ID & key for version 1.xx, not the temporary beta key.

So, you might want to try to activate beta .504 with your paid ID/key from version 1.xx and see if that works?





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