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firefoxhelper.exe and chromehelper.exe plus more...viruses? i only use chrome on my brand new computer

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hey i just bought a new laptop, and in the task manager it says there all these program running such as chromehelper.exe and firefoxhelper.exe and iehelper.exe and more when i only use chrome.... i tried forcing the programs to end then they just reappear..... someone please help me :( thanks , Sean


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hi compnoob1,
First of all: Welcome to the forum, :welcome:


As you mentioned in you topic title, you may very well be infected.
Therefore I advise you to read Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and act accordingly to get help in getting any malware removed.
In this subforum we cannot use the tools necessary to remove malware. This due to forum policy.

I hope this helps. If you have any questions please post & ask.
(As I am no malware expert I am not allowed to give instructions about removing malware.)

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