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A knowledgeable friend suggested I get Malwarebytes as it was better at cleaning up after an infection than most AV software.


Instead of MB, I accidently downloaded a Malwarebytes Pro trial. I apparently got  a product that includes full-time protection, and scheduled scans.  It seems quite nice, but on the surface, not very different from  Microsoft Security Essentials. 


So the question comes up "What is the functional difference between MB Pro and  MSE?  


A virus is a kind of malware, so surely MB Pro protects against and scans for viruses like MSE.  If Malwarebytes works better, It seems like I don't need to keep my MSE,  but in these forums I find much support for using MB in tandem with MSE and other AV software.  So, what gives?


Appreciate if someone could shed some light my way.  




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Though Malwarebytes may detect some form viruses your AV might have missed it is not an Anti-Virus and is designed to work in conjunction with an AV, it does not and will not replace an AV.

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  • Root Admin

Hello Jerry and :welcome:


Please see the following links which will provide more information about your questions. Also please note that Microsoft Security Essentials is no longer considered an adequate antivirus product even by Microsoft.



Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Product Questions

Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?


According to OPSWAT, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is the most popular security product installed by users.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware - comparison


Prevention of an infection is a much better approach than clean up after the fact.  Please see the following article for more information on that.

The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware


List of well known antivirus products


Thank you

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