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Hello, I am new of the forum so I am not sure this is the right section.


Until a few days ago when I went to the website www.drama.net I got a message of an IP block outgoing, the ip was and the same thing happenned when I went to Firedrive (the former putlocker). It said that it block an ougoing ip connection.



I have formatted my netbook and I have installed a new antivirus and malwarebytes free trial pro.


I have not gone to drama.net or firedrive yet but before I go I want to be sure that they are ok.


Could you please check that ip and also the ips, of those other two websites www.koreandrama.tv ip and www.gooddrama.net ?


I would like to know if they are safe or not.


I have read the Google Diagnostics and they are safe but their hosts have hosted websites that had malware inside.




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