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IE Enhanced Protected Mode compatibility?


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Is there any problem using Enhanced Protected Mode in Internet Explorer 11 with mbae?


I use EMET 4.1 on maximum security with "deep hooks" enabled, and IE 11 with mbae. I just want to make sure that any of the anti-exploits don't conflict with each other if there was exploit code attempting to run. I'm not worried about my browser crashing or anything like that, just what is the most effective setup.


Thanks for any information in advance.

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  • Staff

As far as we know there are no conflicts with IE11's Enhanced Mode.


As for EMET, there are different scenarios depending on the version and configuration of EMET. Some users reported conflicts with Deep Hooks but with earlier versions of EMET, and some users reported conflicts with certain EMET mitigations such as EAF and/or SimExecFlow. But of course these conflicts vary between different versions of MBAE as we keep fine-tuning existing techniques and adding new ones. The best approach is to install both and if there are conflicts you can disable certain EMET mitigations (namely DeepHooks, EAF and SimExecFlow) one by one to see which is the one conflicting in your setup.

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