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I have just installed the Anti-Malware and it runs alongside Microsoft security essentials.


I notice on the pop up page that tells you everything is running normally that it is stating 'Web analytics allowed'  and   'Others allowed'.


Do I leave it like this or do I block them both so nothing is allowed.


Also do I need to do anything else now I have downloaded the pro version especially with running MSE alongside it.


I do hope someone can help as I am very new to this and want to get it right.


Thank you very much.

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Hello and :welcome:

The default settings for Malwarebytes Antimalware should be sufficient, no need to make any changes. Malwarebytes and MSE play nicely together, but if you like you can add exceptions as stated HERE, but if you are not encountering any issues then the probably not needed.

Now that you have the PRO version, make sure you configure your automatic scans and updates... Here is a helpful link on how to do that.

How to Schedule a Scan

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