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If MBAE is already running in the background, as it is designed to do, double-clicking on the Desktop icon will try to run a second instance of MBAE and it will immediately exit as there is an instance of mbae.exe already running in the background. So basically this is by design.

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Ok, so just wondering then what is the use of even having an desktop icon if all it does is run MBAE? That means the only way to open the program is by using the taskbar icon right? I just find it sort of strange,  a desktop icon is the usual way to open any program. And to complicate matters my taskbar icon does not appear about 1/3 of the time so in these cases the only way to open the program would be to go directly into the MBAE folder.

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  • Staff

Since MBAE runs at startup it is not necessary to open it from a Desktop icon as it would simply try to run another instance of itself as mentioned above. Like @digmorcrusher said the Desktop icon in the case of MBAE is unnecessary and we will probably get rid of it in future installers.

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