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I can't get into the internet, It says "Firefox cannot find server,"

Another message says, Windows - System Error - There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network

. Hubby's computer is fine. He has checked out the modem and the Router and says everything is okay there.

Could someone help me please? Thank you!

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  • Root Admin

No, the IP conflict is the issue.  Basically either your computer or your husbands computer got the same IP address from your router and that is why it's not working.


Please try the following.   Shut down both computers and leave them off for a few minutes.  Then also unplug the power from your router for a couple minutes.


Then plug the router power back in and wait 2 minutes and then turn the computers back on and hopefully both of them will renew their IP address without an issue.

If that does not work let us know.



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