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Hello Every1:


  I've used MWB for almost 6 months, and all this time, almost every 15 - 30 seconds, it's popping up from my taskbar:

"Successfully blocked access to a potentially malicious website -

(Then there are variations of this IP address) -    -or- - (or something very close to those.. ALL THE TIME)

TYPE: incoming, Port6881, Process: download.am.exe"

I went to download.am once about 5.5 months ago, to try to download something. Could they still be trying to 'get to me"?


I don't understand, is it stoping a website from trying to put something in my computer? (whats it doing, it's very distracting, popping up all the time, every minute. )

Is there someway I can stop it? or at least so it doesn't pop up to where I can see it all the time?


Now I don't want to stop MWB from doing what it's paid to do, but... you know.... help!


One other quick question.

I thought Malwarebytes was an Antivirus Software. Then someone said to me, "Dude, you really need to get some antivirus software installed on your computer, and I answered, "I have Malwarebytes" and he said, yea that's good to, but you need antivirus.

Is there some antivirus software you'd suggest, one that won't make me uninstall MWB?


Funny I've been asking all around trying to stop that from popping up every minute, but never thought of asking you guys, here at this websites forum.
Stupid huh?


Whatever you could do would be greatly appreciated.





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