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the problem I'm having is i can't login to a hotmail account at all or use any of the available help functions. reset password it just tells me the system is busy. i as well get the "system cannot check" user addy/name message when i try and create a new account. as well i cannot access my POF account as soon as i register it i can never log in again. my gmail works, i registered to this website no problem. i run YAC , microsoft security essentials a macfee firewall. used to run comodo but i wasn't impressed with it. if the problem is malware on my own computer where would i begin looking, also it took me quite a while to dig fortunitas out of my comp could this be a symptom of fortunitas? any help would be very apreciated.

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Hello and :welcome: , 5Ronin:


Since you mention that you were recently infected, there could still be malware remnants or damage on the system.

We aren't permitted to run the tools to sort this out here in this section of the forum.


So I would suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue.




P.S. Is that your actual email address in your post?  If so, we will need to ask the forum mod team to remove it, so that it won't be harvested by spammers.

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