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i use windows 7 home premium. during scanning with malwarebytes it stops responding after reaching specific folder named as windows/winsxs/windowscommancontrols...... etc path. at first time blue screen error displayed after freezing. 

blue screen error-PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGE

i am unable to shut down or log off windows. also i cannot end process with task manager. what is solution for above problem?


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Hello and :welcome: , rupesh_b007:


BSOD is usually a result of hardware or driver problems, but it can also be caused by severe infections (rootkits).

We aren't permitted to run the tools needed to sort this out here in this particular section of the forum.


So I would suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
If you aren't able to run the preliminary tools, just do the best you can and start a new post in the malware removal section anyway, explaining the problem.

A malware analyst will assist you with looking into the issue.


Once you get the all-clear over in that forum, your helper may refer you back here, if there are other issues that need fixing.



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