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Alright so i have Comodo firewall on but Comodo have something else activated for me also at the moment that's called "systemprotection", now the question is does this interfere with the MBAM realtime process?


So this is my setup;

Comodo firewall (+ the systemprotection on realtime)

MBAM pro



Also would the Malwarebytes anti-exploit interfere with the features that MBAM pro have running? Etc website protection.


Thanks in advance for informative replies.

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Hi, Ben-Amin: :)


What "Kaspersky" product and version are you running?


If it is KIS or PURE, you don't need Comodo firewall.

Even having it installed but disabled will likely cause conflicts with KIS or PURE, because of the drivers.

If it is KAV, it will probably be OK, if properly configured.


A recent post about Kaspersky and MBAM PRO is >>HERE<<.

They should be fine together on most systems.

However, I can't personally speak to the addition of a 3rd-party, standalone firewall to the setup.

(In general, "less is more" when dealing with KIS/KAV/PURE -- adding a lot of additional security programs has a tendency to create problems.)


Also: you might find helpful the information and links in this pinned topic posted by our forum Root Admin: List of well-known antivirus products.


I don't yet personally use MBAE, so I'll defer to the other members, experts and staff on that.

It is still in BETA, but, no, it would not conflict with MBAM PRO - it is designed to complement it.

However, I don't personally know if it will play well with KIS/KAV/PURE (no reason to suspect otherwise).


Hope this helps,



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Hi, Ben-Amin: :)


What "Kaspersky" product and version are you running?


If it is KIS or PURE, you don't need Comodo firewall.

Even having it installed but disabled will likely cause conflicts with KIS or PURE, because of the drivers.

If it is KAV, it will probably be OK, if properly configured.


A recent post about Kaspersky and MBAM PRO is >>HERE<<.

They should be fine together on most systems.

However, I can't personally speak to the addition of a 3rd-party, standalone firewall to the setup.

(In general, "less is more" when dealing with KIS/KAV/PURE -- adding a lot of additional security programs has a tendency to create problems.)


Also: you might find helpful the information and links in this pinned topic posted by our forum Root Admin: List of well-known antivirus products.


I don't yet personally use MBAE, so I'll defer to the other members, experts and staff on that.

It is still in BETA, but, no it would not conflict with MBAM PRO - it is designed to complement it.


Hope this helps,



Thanks for the fast reply Daledoc1!


I got KAV (Standalone, Anti-virus).

About the comodo feature, would you suggest me to use solely the firewall and deactivate the "systemprotection" as it's for the filesystem (It's telling etc when a file is trying to access/inject other running processes)

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Hi, again:


You are most welcome.


I wish I could help with the Comodo question, but I have no familiarity with their products.

We'll need to wait for one of the other forum members or staff to weigh in on that.


You might also check with support or the user forums for Comodo and/or KL?

The KL English user forum is >>HERE<<.

(Note: you will still find a few folks at the KL forums who insist MBAM PRO is incompatible with KIS/KAV.  This has not been the case on 99% of systems for a LONG time, but there are those for whom this outdated view dies hard.)


As far as MBAM compatibility with these other products, if you do ever run into a problem, just post back and let us know -- someone will help you to sort it out.

And there is a help forum specifically for MBAE BETA >>HERE<<.





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Hiyah again :)


Yeah as you said i don't think either that any problem would occur with mbab + kav.. However the comodo i'm not sure if its wise to have the filesystem protection activated. I will wait for an answer from someone who know more about comodo, if i don't get an answer here i will direct myself to Comodo's forum.

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Hi Ben+amin,


So far the replies were mainly about at MBAM. You asked about Malwarebytes Anti-exploit (MBAE) as well, so I'll try to answer you MBAE question in your original post to the best of my knowledge. As a little disclaimer: I am no expert, I'm no malwarebytes employee either. Now let's get started:


I've been running MBAE beta for a while along side with MBAM PRO (1.75) and I've never had any trouble between those two. Since MBAM and MBEA are from the same company and do different work (no overlap in functionality), I don't expect those two to clash anywhere in the (near) future.


KAV 2013 and later already has an anti-exploit feature. Sadly, I've not found any test where Kaspersky's anti-exploit feature got tested against other anti-exploit programs. (There are a couple against other AV's.) So I don't know how good Kaspersky's anti-exploit feature is.

What Comodo offers in this field I do not know. (But if you find out, please let me know.)


So far there are no know issues between MBAE and products of Kaspersky or Comodo, so there is no reason to assume it will go wrong. But it is beta software, so I can't rule it out either. (Here is the list of know issues.)

As a beta/alpha tester, I'd say: "Give it a try. If MBAE beta gives you problems, let us know at this sub-forum and than just remove it." That said, only install MBAE beta if you feel comfortable with the idea of beta-testing, otherwise don't use it. Fearing that you computer might crash any moment kind of ruins you computing experience, even if nothing actually happens.


I hope this helps you in making an informed decision about MBAE. I hope you will give it a try, but remember that the choice is yours to make.

If you have any questions, please post & ask.

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I've been running KAV, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Beta together since MBAE Beta first became available and I've never had any conflicts or issues between them. I'm pretty sure that Kaspersky's exploit protection is definitions based so it wouldn't conflict with MBAE, which doesn't use databases to detect exploits.

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I've been running KAV, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Beta together since MBAE Beta first became available and I've never had any conflicts or issues between them. I'm pretty sure that Kaspersky's exploit protection is definitions based so it wouldn't conflict with MBAE, which doesn't use databases to detect exploits.

Alright! However still wondering about the comodo fileprotectio if it goes with MBAM file (Realtime) protection :/

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