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Hi, new to here.


I've had MAE for a while now and it's the first time it has noticed an exploit. A good thing? 


The exploit block seems to have occurred when after I installed the Ginger Software (a software that corrects Grammar) and try to use Internet Explorer.


Ginger software website (just in case): http://www.gingersoftware.com/


I'd like to know if this is possible a false positive or a legitimate exploit before attempting to whitelist this software.



Is it possible to be able to disable certain parts of the Ginger software to avoid this exploit?


I have contacted the Ginger software (team?) and should receive a response in 1-2 business days, they claim.


Currently, I have uninstalled the software.



Every other browser on my computer works fine (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera).

IE is the only one that closes immediately when MAE notifies me of an exploit. I was also able to use the Ginger software, as well without issues.





Any help or insight would be appreciated.





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I've use Ginger in hte past as well, and I believe it is a FP.  The software made by Ginger is not harmful in that it is hooking itself into the browser so it can check your posts on the fly for spelling and grammar, but since it hooks in like that, I think that is why MBAE is calling foul.

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  • Staff

Hi Ray, welcome to the forum and thanks for reporting this.


As John said it is most likely an FP with MBAE. You can safely reinstall Ginger. But please also post your file C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit\mbae-default.log here so that we may see what the problem is and fix it for future versions of MBAE.



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Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit?


Not sure what it means or what EMET does. Sorry about that.


I do use Comodo Internet Security Premium... Comodo notified about having not much information on the Ginger Software when trying to install, and left me with the usual options of Run Unlmited, Run Isolated, Block.

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Cool, thanks for the clarification. Wanted to rule out running in limited mode.

Curiously I have exactly the same report of MBAE problem with Ginger from another Comodo user in another forum. Could you test installing MBAE and Ginger together but first uninstalling Comodo completely and rebooting?

I just want to rule out potential conflicts in other areas.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I was able to replicate this with MBAE 0.09 under Win7 x64 and IE when installing Ginger.

With MBAE 0.10 the exploit blocked FP never showed again.


I am closing this bug report as solved. If you find any other scenarios where MBAE conflicts with Ginger please PM me or open a new thread.

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