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Hello :)


I live in the UK and am finishing my GCSE's this year - For a career, I want to work in Computer Security; I'm aiming to become a security or malware analyst but am willing to do any job in Computer Security.


I'm preparing and applying for places in schools and colleges in the UK as I plan to go into further education before going to University in the future.


I'm not sure what options I should take or what direction I need to take to get into my ideal career path - Can anyone help me? In terms of Further Education, what is going to help me get into an IT Security role?


Also, if anyone knows, what is the difference between a Level 3 (Advanced) BTEC Diploma and A-Levels? Which one should I take? A Diploma is said to be the equivalent to A-Levels, but many say that A-Levels are better...?


I understand that schooling in the UK is different to places like the US; if i'm posting in the wrong place, could someone please redirect me to somewhere else for help? :D


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See if you can get a Job at Malwarebytes ;) .

Or You could try and find something like Programming your own tools for computers and putting them out there as buisness. See how much money you can make. It's very rewarding knowing you helped someone with something you made.

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"Why not go for a CISSP and take a course in "Ethical Hacking" ?" - I've heard of the course before and just checked it; it would be something I'd consider doing AFTER further education :)

"See if you can get a Job at Malwarebytes  ;) .

Or You could try and find something like Programming your own tools for computers and putting them out there as buisness. See how much money you can make. It's very rewarding knowing you helped someone with something you made." - I should be so lucky ;) And I have ave that a thought too :P

Thanks so far for the suggestions :)

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