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I'm using the Pro Version.


I was just wondering about the difference in the three scan types. When doing a quick scan would it also be necessary to do a flash scan, or Is everything a flash scan does incorparated in the quick scan.


Similarly when dooing a full scan is everything a flash scan would do incorparated in the full scan.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi, MCFatTongue:


Here's a detailed explanation: What is the difference between the three scan types in Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?



For the current 1.xx version of MBAM:

Routine Quick Scans are all that's normally needed (many of us schedule them for once a day).

Full Scans are NOT needed under most circumstances and will cause excessive wear on your hard drive.

Flash Scans are the least in-depth scans and are not really necessary, though some users of MBAM PRO like to enable that feature after scheduled database updates.


So, no, there is no need for a Flash Scan on top of a Quick Scan.

And there is no need for routine Full scans under normal conditions.


There will be some changes to the names and the settings when version 2.00 launches, but that's the basic explanation for the current version of MBAM.


Hope this helps,



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