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Yet another Phishing letter; DiscoverCard.. Close to home; Wife


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Return-Path: <ringvald@brandeis.edu>
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Subject: =?utf-8?q?Online_Update=3A_Regarding_Your_Discover_Card=C2=AE?=
To: Recipients <safe@discover.com>
From: Discover Card <ringvald@brandeis.edu>
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 08:51:52 -0500
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 From: ringvald@brandeis.edu
To: safe@discover.com
Sent: 2/7/2014 8:52:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Online Update: Regarding Your Discover Card®

Dear Cardmember

The security of your personal information is our primary concern.

Recently we observe suspicious login attempt to your Discover Card® account

All information associated with this account has been temporarily limited


We implore you to confirm your account by following our secure site [https://www.discovercard.com] (actual URL= http://dicasdosmelhores.com/iso.php) to avoid account suspended << (should have said "suspension")




Discover Card® Customer Service

This e-mail was sent to you from Discover.

You are receiving this Discover e-mail as a confirmation of your account activity.

Please do not reply to this e-mail as we are not able to respond to messages sent to this address.


Thanks for looking in to this..
Antxxxx xxxxxxxxxxder


NOTE: Had to use quote to preserve malformed URLS as editor wouldn't accept them..

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I sent the letter with headers to Discover Card's fraud email - Contact info for fraud there can be reported to any of the following.


If you receive what appears to be a fraudulent e-mail from us, please call 1-800-DISCOVER (1-800-347-2683) or e-mail us at emailwatch@discover.com immediately.


Thank goodness I've drilled it into my wife's head to NEVER do anything with any email concerning money, credit cards, SSNs, etc except to let me know so I can check them out. ;)



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Yep, I always forward them to our internal folks and to the company being spoofed.


Sometimes, the crooks succeed even with the most cautious folks who succumb in a split second of weakness -- we recently got hit with one that spoofed our own internal InfoSec department.


Quite a few 1000 folks ended up having to change their passwords (& take other counter-measures) after clicking the link in that particular email. :o

I nearly fell for it, too, in a hurry...


Vigilance, vigilance.....

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I will report it to Malwarebytes as phishing, I'm not sure if the researchers browse this section.


Edit: the site is dead now :)


Thanks @Malware1 ... I never even thought to post the site in the Malware section. My bad.. :blush:  Appreciate you taking care of it for me.



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