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Hi -


I have paid malwarebytes - I've had it for a long time.

I just had some work done on my computer recently and my tech person upgraded the version to 1.75.


I have it set to scan every night at 10pm.

At 10pm, I hear it churning, but I cannot watch the scan perform, nor does it pop up a log at the end. Though it creates a log and puts it in a folder.


With my previous version, the daily scan opened a window and I saw the results.

Is there a way I can get this version to do the same? I didn't see anything in the options.


Thanks !

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Hi, kalimba:


Since you mentioned that you recently had work done on the computer, you might want to check to be sure the tech didn't configure MBAM for silent scans (see screenshot).


If that doesn't solve it, it might be a good idea to try a clean reinstall -- use Method 1 here: MBAM Clean Removal Process.



Please let us know if either of these resolves your issue.






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Hi there, this is interesting. I`ve been told to check that box because I didn`t think that MBAM was completing its scheduled weekly scan, but I couldn`t say without doubt  that the PC was on at the time, and not in heavy usage. 


 I`ve since also set it to recover scan if missed by 24 hrs...we`ll see how it goes

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