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Windows 8.1 Startup Repair After Scan

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Hey, everyone! First time poster, here!

Has anyone had issues after running a Malwarebytes scan? After trying to clear off this maddening "Conduit Search Protect" browser hijacker, I reboot my computer after the scan is done and it launches me into system recovery, saying that it can't repair Windows. I've had to use System Restore every time. I've tried it several times, and it happens every time. I've also reinstalled Malwarebytes and run the scan both from regular Windows and Safe Mode. I'm going to post on the Malwarebytes forums, as well, but I figured I'd start here. Thanks so much! I'm on an Asus T100 running Windows 8.1. Thanks!

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  • Root Admin

The removal of Conduit itself is what breaks it.  Once you have the system restore done and the computer booting normally please follow the advice below.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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Thanks for the responses. Also, sorry about the "I'm going to post this in the Malwarebytes forums" line...I meant to cut that out; I posted the same question in the Transformer forums. Turns out that my fellow Asus TF100 owners are having the same issue.



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