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Hi,,i just purchased a lifetime copy of MBAM in CD form but want to activated it and start using it now for the real time protection,can i start a free trial and when my CD(Key)comes in activate my subscription with my key?


Or do i need to wait for my CD?

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Hello and :welcome: , daman1:
No, you don't need the CD.
It would only be useful if you had  -- for example -- an infected computer that could not connect to the internet.
It's always better to download and install MBAM from a fresh copy of the installer here, as it will likely be a more current version of the program: Where can I download the latest version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?
(The databases, though, will always need an update after installing the program from either source.)
Just use the license ID and key sent to you in the confirmation email from the reseller, Cleverbridge.
Here is more info: How do I activate Malwarebytes Anti-Malware? and How to Activate the PRO Version

Please let us know if you need more help.

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Thank you,it was a CD copy from newegg i don't think I'm getting a DL key it was a CD purchase so i need to wait to get the key off the package?


i currently have the free version on my PC should i uninstall that first then DL the free trial? i just want to do it right to avoid any cconflicts with a DL/install.



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Ah, OK.

Thanks for the clarification.


Yes, the license ID/key will be in the box (either on the CD sleeve or on a card).


Until it arrives, you can activate the free, 14-day trial of PRO, if you want.


Once the CD arrives, you will use the ID and key to activate the lifetime PRO license.

There is no need to uninstall the Free version.

Do I need to reinstall Malwarebytes Anti-Malware in order to activate the product with a genuine license key?


If you run into any problems, just post back and someone will be happy to assist you.





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I guess ill keep this thread going vs starting another,anyway started the free trial one thing I'm not sure how to set is the updated frequency,my attachment shows how i have it at the present time,i want it to update often but not sure on how to set it up like i want it.


like maybe every 20-30 mins? what does every one else use??




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Good questions. :)


"Realtime" is the most "aggressive", but it's really not necessary.

MBAM databases are updated 10-12 times a day (sometimes more, sometimes less).


So, a typical set of scheduled tasks many of us use is:

  • UPDATES: Hourly (with or without the flash scan option)
  • QUICK SCAN: Daily


You would set up scheduled scans a similar way: click the "add" button > select "scan" and schedule a daily scan.

To avoid having scans and updates potentially occurring at the same time, I have my updates set for hourly at XX:30, and my daily scan at 05:00 PM.


Note: Scheduled UPDATES occur randomly in a window +/- 15 minutes of the scheduled time; scheduled SCANS occur at the exact time they are scheduled.  Also, although MBAM will *check* for updates every hour, there may or may not be a database update available each time.  So, it will only download when a new set of signatures is available, typically 10-12 times a day.


Note: Routine use of FULL scans is neither necessary nor recommended.  Daily Quick scans should be more than enough.


>>To change your current update settings, just click the "Edit" button and change it to "hourly" from the drop-down menu.

Be sure to save your changes on the way out.






P.S. Some of this will change a bit in version 2.00, but these are the features/options for 1.75.


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Ok so i have both freq and repeat set to hour,it will check every hr on the hr then?




Yes, it will be hourly on the hour, IF you set the start time as "on the hour" (e.g. 11:00).


I have mine scheduled for hourly on the half-hour (XX:30).

(Because I have my SCAN scheduled for 5:00 PM daily, and I don't want MBAM to try to update at the same time that it might be scanning...)


Here is what my update schedule looks like:




EITHER WAY, the scheduled update check will occur randomly in that window +/- 15 minutes around the scheduled time.

EXAMPLE: An update check scheduled for hourly at XX:30 will occur any time between XX:15 and XX:45.


Does that make sense?





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That is up to you.

It's not entirely necessary.




P.S. What "edit" button do you mean?  If you are talking about the forum, you will not be able to edit your posts until you have 100 posts (this policy was enacted because of prior abuse by other forum users).

If you are talking about the scheduler, there is nothing to "edit" if you don't have something yet scheduled -- IOW, you can't "edit" a scheduled scan if you haven't already scheduled it. :)

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. So the soonest you can have it update or check for a update is every hr? you cant do every 30 mins check for and update??


No. that's not what I said. :(


Please try to slow down a bit and read what I am trying to explain. :)

You can schedule updates "realtime", or every minute or every 5 minutes or every 30 minutes or  every hour or on boot, etc. etc. -- there is an entire drop-down menu with many options in the scheduler that can be customized as you wish.


What I tried to explain is that the database is updated roughly 10-12 times in a 24-hour period.

So, an hourly check for updates should be more than sufficient.


If you want it every 5 minutes or every 30 minutes instead, that's up to you. :)

But it's probably overkill.

Remember, your first line of real-time protection should be your anti-virus (AV) -- MBAM is a supplemental, adjunctive tool to provide specialized, layered protection against the sort of threats your AV might miss.


Hope this helps,



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Got the scheduler down pat thanks for help with that,,, so onto the next question these other programs i don't understand i see one you have to pay others are free what should i do here DL and start using them? are they a separate program from MBAM?











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Glad the scheduler is working OK now.
As for the other tools, most of them are free.
However, some of them are specialized tools designed to help with complex malware removal.

MBAR in particular is a powerful tool that is still in BETA: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=116

If you are not comfortable running BETA software, I would not suggest trying to use it on your own.

Chameleon is a tool to help to get MBAM to install and run on a severely infected system: http://www.malwarebytes.org/chameleon/

Neither of these tools should be run by the home user without expert guidance.

>>If you think you might be infected, I would suggest that you please start with the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

One of the malware helpers will assist you with scanning and cleaning your computer.


Other tools are explained here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/antiexploit/ and http://www.malwarebytes.org/downloads/#tools
StartupLite is another tool that is available.
It is not currently being actively developed, but it can be used, if you like.
More info here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/startuplite/

Forum section is here, if you need help: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=117
is a PAID, SUBSCRIPTION, secure, cloud backup service integrated with MBAM.
Entirely optional.
More info here:http://www.malwarebytes.org/securebackup/

Forum section is here, if you need help: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=114





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