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I am a former user of Cox Internet Phone (Cox's VoIP solution) and currently use Vonage for my home phone.


I've set up a UPS that my modem, router, and Vonage device are connected to, so in the event of a power failure as long as I have an internet connection, my phones are still up (and I've made sure that at least one phone is a non-externally-powered non-portable phone).

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(and I've made sure that at least one phone is a non-externally-powered non-portable phone).



I thought I was the only one!


No VOIP here, but I do keep a landline phone precisely for being able to call the power company to report frequent outages (I live in an old neighborhood with poor infrastructure and lots of trees -- prolonged outages are common).


(And I use it for faxing my government representatives at all levels - an old-fashioned paper fax still exerts more impact than a phone call or an (ignored) email... ;) )



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