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When I first turn on my PC the screen has started to come up plain grey to start with and them turning to plain white.


If I switch it off at the tower and switch it back on again it boots up normally.


I am getting ever fearful that it will stay white.


Has anyone any idea what is wrong please?


I have a Compaq 1879UK PC, a Xerox X17-19i screen and am running XP SP3.



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There is a cable that goes from the computer to the monitor. 

The first objective is to remove the cable from the computer, look at the cable and check to see it looks OK.  Then reconnect the cable.

The second objective is to remove the cable from the monitor, look at the cable and check to see it looks OK.  Then reconnect the cable.


NOTE:  If there are screws are finger screws the idea is to tighten with little force.  The idea is to screw the cable in, just enough, so it doesn't fall out. 

Not to supply so much torque that you'll never be able to remove them again.

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When you say turn it off at the tower, I'm assuming that to mean that if you power off the monitor alone, and then power it back on, it does not affect the grey / white screen, but if you manually power off your computer (aka tower) itself, and then power it back on, it will work fine?

  1. Has there ever been a time where this sort of thing has caused you to perform the power off / power on at the tower more than once to get rid of the gray / white screen?
  2. When was the last time (if ever) that the computer has been opened and cleaned (akin to spring cleaning)?
  3. How old is your computer?  Is it under warranty?  You can check at HP's website to make sure - use this link - http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/weInput?cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&product=3176331

Based upon the information in the Quick Setup Guide located at http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c00514781.pdf your system appears to have a dedicated video card, and that is good news, b/c it can easily be replaced if the video card has gone / is in the process of going bad.  However, I'm wondering if this may in fact be either

  1. A driver issue (unlikely, as this seems ot be occurring before the actual operating system boots up, so it is before the driver actually loads), or
  2. A dust bunny issue most likely - dust clogs air ducts and eventually will cause the components to over heat because of insufficient cooling ability due to restricted airflow).

If you are unwilling to open up the computer to take a look, I'd recommend consulting with a local computer shop to help you diagnose the issue, as without being in front of the computer it's extremely hard for us to remote diagnose, particularly when some of the tools needed to diagnose the issue cannot be run remotely at all.  Be sure to shop around, both in terms of price as well as in terms of reliability.  More than one shop in my local area (Middle GA) charge an arm and a leg for things you can easily do at home for free.



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I guess...


1.  Describe the the type of cable that goes from PC to monitor (DVI, VGA, HDMI)


2.  Indicate if there is one or more users of the platform and if there one or more accounts that users "use".


3.  Describe the exact sequence of events of what you do and what you see as you boot said computer up to an including the point where the screen goes "white"

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