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Malwarebytes targets PenWes software.

PenWes software should be uninstalled through your add/remove programs if not you will most likely will loose your connection but it's easily fixed:




PenWes is uninstalled without any issue on almost all systems. More than 20,000 people have uninstalled PenWes without experiencing any problems. However, a problem may occur for people who have changed Internet provider while PenWes was installed. When you uninstall PenWes, it returns the settings on your PC to those in place when it was installed. If these settings have changed, Internet access may be disrupted. To get it running smoothly again, just follow these simple steps:
- Ensure that you have administrator access on your computer
- Open the network connections
- Right click on the local network connection (if the PC is connected to the Internet by cable) or on the wireless network connection (if the PC is connected to the Internet by Wi-Fi)
- Select Properties
- Select Internet Protocol TCP/IP
- Click on Properties
- Select Obtain DNS servers automatically
- Confirm by clicking OK, close all windows and restart your PC.



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