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I know my system infected with virus or adware or spyware.
A new temp profile has been created and unable to access my files, applications. All files are hidden even try to unhide but nothing works.
All of sudden my desktop changed all files and documents were missing and desktop also changed. When I try to open any application got error as it can't open and asking due to security issue asking to contact system admin but I am the admin and i Have all admin right.
I have gone through this forum and tried all the means( installed malware bytes, adware cleaner, spyware removal) and making Attributes ad unhidden and all other means.
I changed the Registry entries manually change to open all exe files now all applications are opening and working. This got resolved.
Still Need Help:
I am having still the other issues. I tried unhide.exe but unhide.exe is not working my system. All my documents and pictures are grayed and shaded.
If I save any file still I am not able to see it on my desktop but if I save in another location able to see it.
here I followed following links:
and other topics also followed.
I also tried to boot form USB by following
but my system is not bale to recognize USB and not loading.
I have observed that my user profile is also hidden and new Temp profile is created and when ever I log in it is going to that Temp profile.
I tried to use system restore but it didn't complete and told me to disable my avg antivirus program then I try again but I didn't try and scared I may loose my data(pics and docs).
I will try that but I don't think this will help? Do u think it will help? 

I have try to provide the DDS log but I am not bale to generate it.


** I have disabled AVG2014 and netwrok before running dds program


1)I try to download to desktop and as usual it doesn't appear, so I have downloaded to another folder in C:\ and tried to run the program from there it has opened up the a pop box  and asking to but it didn't create the log file. Please find attached images.


2) I copied the dds program to desktop after downloading it C:\ and try to run and it is giving attaching error screen shot.


I also tried same above steps in safe mode too but same errors are coming.


My Operating systems is Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64 bit OS


Please help me.

Please help me 




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Lets create a new user with administrator rights.
Be sure to use a password you won't forget
Login as the new user and see if you can download.

To create an administrator account for a Windows 8, 7, or Vista computer.

1.In Windows 8, from the desktop, press Win-c to open the Charms Menu. Click Settings, and then select Control Panel.
In Windows 7 or Vista, from the Start menu, select Control Panel.

2.Double-click User Accounts, and then click Manage User Accounts.

3.Click Create new account. Enter a name for the account, and then click Next.

4.Click Computer administrator, and then click Create Account.


Now restart and login as the new user you created.



Let me know how the new user account is working



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