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Speed dating for lawyers..

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  • 1 month later...

I knew one of those, my divorce attorney. He couldn't get any thing right. He had me down as both Complainant and Defendant  . I was working at a resort and several attorneys appeared for dinner, and he yelled out at me "See you after Dinner" me and my smart a__, remarks, and knowing he might not even be able to count , said Take a number. I Also saw one in Idaho about a pipe issue for a trailer I purchased and he did not seem to know what a water pipe was. this guy was advertised as a Real Estate and Contractor Attorney for those who purchased new homes . I walked out on him and said "I think I got the wrong type of attorney" He jumped up and said "Give me a chance?" I said "Next time I will draw you a picture of a hole in the floor and pipe coming up under a sink". Later I spoke to a different attorney and said "That guy acted like he didn't even know what a water pipe was" . His response was "That wasn't an act"

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