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Trojan hiding from malwarebytes

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I have a a trojan on my computer called trojan.bitminer. It hooks onto my svchost and makes it use up unreal CPU.


It then stops my display driver from working and eventually crashes the computer.

I have browsed other forums and several people have had my exact problem. They download malwarebytes which finds the trojan.


My malwarebytes can not find trojan.bitmine even though it is there.


Please help me with what I should do


Thanks in advance!

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Hello and :welcome: , bananakid:



It looks as if you already have a topic for this problem over in the malware removal section >>HERE<<??


It appears that it might have been overlooked, perhaps because all of your own "bumps" made it appear that you were already being helped. :(


I would suggest sending a PM to a member of the mod team, such as gringo_pr or AdvancedSetup.

They can look into getting you a helper.


Please stay with that other topic until you get the "all clear" from the helper.





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