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My old computer with Malwarebytes installed, died Oct 1,2012 and I haven't used it other than unsuccessful attempts to restore from a NAS backup. I'm in the process of building a new machine with Win7/64. Is there a way to put the old Malwarebytes on the new machine. I've lost the records for the purchase. There're on the old machine.

Would I be better off buying a new license?


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Hi Philschu,


If you bought your license via cleverbridge (same as via the malwarebytes.org site) you could try to retrieve you license via this link: http://www.cleverbridge.com/?scope=cusecolp&id=a6SRT0SLi8

They will send a list of what you ordered via the mail. In it are links that allow viewing more details of the purchase, this includes the key needed to activatie MBAM PRO.


If you used another vendor I'd still give it a try (not much work, so it's worth the shot for the off chance that it works), if it doesn't work I wouldn't know it either.

However, if you intend to buy a new license. Be quick, as soon a MBAM 2.0 is released the life-time licenses are no longer for sale. (As far as I know)


I hope this helped. If you have any questions, please post and ask.

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Hi Philschu,


Glad to know you have the license keys now. Just download the free version of MBAM (http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/) and use a key and matching ID to 'activate' it. This will turn the free version into a pro version. (more about activating MBAM here.)


As they are (most likely) life-time licenses there should indeed be no time limit.


I hope this will help you further. Again, if you have any questions, please post & ask.

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